Saturday, 8 June 2013

Moms Helping Moms – The Crowdfunding of Prenatal Care

Crowdfunding is an exciting animal.  It is being used by entrepreneurs for launching their latest ideas, artists to create movies and music, and socialpreneurs looking to ignite change on a global scale.
The crowdfunding platform Samahope is focused on the medical arena and helping people receive the treatment and help they so desperately need.  They have raised funds to help people like Tiangay, a 16 year old girl from Sierra Leone, who received a surgery after being brutally raped by her teacher.  She attributes her doctor and Samahope with saving her life and plans on becoming a nurse herself.
Samahope has now launched a campaign to help mothers throughout the world have access to medical treatment and surgeries.  Their campaign #HonorYourMom is a virtual campaign that is mostly being pushed out through social media.  It enables donors to give money for women in developing countries to have medical care, as a tribute to their own mother.  Donors can write a tribute, upload a photo of them and their mom, and give women across the world access to medical care and a safe birth for them and their child.
The various donation amounts equate to different levels of care.  Donations can provide mothers with a birth kit, an attendant, prenatal care, transportation to the clinic, and access to surgery if they require it.  For women in developing countries these donations can make the difference between life or death.

Imagination. Ignited

Global social action driven personal and enterprise crowd sourcing, funding and commerce platform

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